

The dtype is the type of the elements in a buffer. Thanks to the ddtype system, it is very easy to create new dtypes on top of pretty much everything.



a python type object (typically a class or a builtin type)


data dtype, meaning the type of the elements in an array, it can be a type, but more generally anything that define a data format.


declaration of data type, meaning a packet of things decribing how to pack/unpack that dtype from/to an array

a ddtype always inherits from base class DDType which content is implemented at C level.

class DDType

base class for a declaration of data type (ddtype) DO NOT INSTANTIATE THIS CLASS FROM PYTHON, use on of its specialization instead


byte size of the dtype when packed




layout of the packed data such as defined in module struct, or None if not defined




the python dtype itself if this DDType is declared, None if not declared

declare(dtype, ddtype)

declare a new dtype


return the content of the declaration for the givne dtype

specialized dtypes

class DDTypeFunctions(dsize, pack, unpack, layout=None)

create a dtype from pure python pack and unpack functions


>>> enum_pack = {'apple':b'a', 'orange':b'o', 'cake':b'c'}
>>> enum_unpack = {v:k   for k,v in enum_direct.items()}
>>> enum_dtype = DDTypeFunctions(
...                     dsize=1,                         # 1 byte storage
...                     pack=enum_pack.__getitem__,      # this takes the python object and gives a bytes to dump
...                     unpack=enum_unpack.__getitem__,  # this takes the bytes and return a python object
...                     )
>>> a = typedlist(dtype=enum_dtype)             # declaration is not necessary
class DDTypeClass(type)

Create a dtype from a python class (can be a pure python class)

the given type must have the following attributes:

  • frombytes or from_bytes or from_buffer

    static method that initialize the type from bytes

  • __bytes__ or tobytes or to_bytes

    method that converts to bytes, the returned byte must always be of the same size

  • __packlayout__ (optional) string or bytes giving binary format returned by __bytes__, it must follow the specifications of module struct

  • __packsize__ (optional) defines the byte size returned by __bytes__, optional if __packlayout__ is provided


>>> class test_class:
...     __packlayout__ = 'ff'
...     _struct = struct.Struct(__packlayout__)
...     def __init__(self, x, y):
...             self.x = x
...             self.y = y
...     def __bytes__(self):
...             return self._struct.pack(self.x, self.y)
...     @classmethod
...     def frombytes(cls, b):
...             return cls(*cls._struct.unpack(b))
...     def __repr__(self):
...             return '(x={}, y={})'.format(self.x, self.y)
>>> a = typedlist(dtype=test_class)    # no declaration needed
class DDTypeStruct(struct)

create a dtype from a Struct object from module struct


>>> a = typedlist(dtype='fxBh')   # no declaration needed
class DDTypeCType(type)

Create a dtype from a ctype


>>> class test_structure(ctypes.Structure):
...     _fields_ = [
...             ('x', ctypes.c_int),
...             ('y', ctypes.c_float),
...             ]
...     def __repr__(self):
...             return '(x={}, y={})'.format(self.x, self.y)
>>> a = typedlist(dtype=test_structure)
class DDTypeExtension

DDTypeTypeExtension(type, layout=None, constructor=None)

Create a dtype for a C extension type.

This is the most efficient kind of dtype in term of access/assignation time.

In order to put an extension object into an array, it satisfy the following conditions:

  • have fixed size known at the time of dtype creation (so any array element has the same)

  • contain only byte copiable data (so nothing particular is done when copying/destroying the objects)


These conditions MUST be ensured by the user when declaring an extension type as a dtype, or it will result in memory corruption and crash of the program


>>> arrex.declare(vec3, DDTypeExtension(vec3, 'fff', vec3))